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Grease Trap Technical Information

Download KGB Grease Trap Installation & Maintenance Guide

Epoxy Coated Steel Grease Traps

Model Inlet / Outlet
W x L x H (mm)
Grease Capacity (kg) Capacity to
Inlet / Outlet
Meals per day Flow Rate
Height to
outlet (mm)
KGB-4 50 440 x 285 x 290 4 13L 50 18 193
KGB-7 50 490 x 330 x 350 7 39L 80 27 244
KGB-15 50 630 x 420 x 360 14 69L 100 57 257
KGB-25 85 780 x 470 x 440 24 107L 160 95 307
KGB-35 85 810 x 530 x 500 32 155L 220 133 371
KGB-50 110 750 x 600 x 600 45 270L 320 190 447
KGB-75 110 1040 x 700 x 780 70 335L 480 285 625
KGB-100 110 1135 x 800 x 800 90 482L 640 380 663

Download Epoxy Coated Steel Grease Trap Technical Datasheet PDF



Stainless Steel Grease Traps

Model Inlet / Outlet
L x W x H (mm)
Grease Capacity
Capacity to
Inlet / Outlet
Meals per day Flow Rate
Height to outlet (mm)
KGB-5 50 380 x 275 x 230 5 16L 10 to 15 27 185
KGB-9 50 380 x 380 x 285 9 31L 50 to 100 45 245
KGB-18 50 650 x 450 x 325 18 75L 100 to 150 89 285
KGB-26 50 860 x 450 x 325 26 110L 150 to 200 89 285
KGB-36 50 800 x 500 x 370 36 119L 200 to 280 125 325

Download Stainless Steel Grease Trap Technical Datasheet PDF


Poly HDPE Grease Traps

Model Inlet / Outlet
L x W x H (mm)
Capacity to
Inlet / Outlet
Meals per day Flow Rate
Height to centre intlet (mm)
P-P100 50 900 x 400 x 430 100L 150 to 200 89 320
P-P100AUTO 50 900 x 400 x 430 100L 150 to 200 89 320
P-P12AUTO 40 450 x 270 x 300h  (100 for grease tank) 12L 50 to 100 18 N/A